Welcome to Rage quitters. Pease Login or Register. We are now recruiting!!
Rage quitters
Welcome to Rage quitters. Pease Login or Register. We are now recruiting!!
Welcome to Rage quitters
Welcome to Rage quitters [*Rq~]
We are now recruiting!!!!!!!
Welcome to the home of Rage quitters. As a clan we have but one goal and that is to become the best clan possible through hard work, determination, and the bonds built from friendship and battle. Each and every member is a valuable asset. We know that strong leadership is only part of the equation that equals a strong clan. Experienced, friendly, and active members are the true foundations of the clan. That is why Rage quitters is a democratic clan, to constantly evolve based on the needs and wants of our community. Rage quitters has been built to be a home for the casual and hardcore player. We will always do our best to have teams comprised for both types of players. We sincerely hope you enjoy your time with our clan.